June proved to be a very successful month for our Sponsored Body Building athletes who were competing in the BNBF Scottish Championships and the UKBFF Scottish Championships.
We had 13 competitors taking part in both competitions, most of whom were doing so for the first time and all of them did the club and themselves proud. Alex Whelan got a 3rd Place
in the BNBF Lightweight Men’s, Sarah McKenzie got 3rd Place and invite to the British in the BNBF Athletic Ladies, Phil Robertson got a 2nd Place & invite to the British in the Mens Novice, Lisa Easdon got
a 1st Place and invite to the British in the BNBF Masters Figure, Antony Finnegan got 1st Place & straight to the World’s in Miami in the BNBF Mens Athletic, Craig Bowie got 1st Place in the UKBFF Mens
Under 70KG and last but by no means least Stewart McDonald got a 1st Place in the UKBFF Mens Under 80KG! They were all absolutely awesome and had the support of all the club behind them.
Well done Team Pro-Life and roll on next year!