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These hardy fundraisers got 2018 o to a scorching start by facing their fears and taking part in a charity rewalk.
The Walk of Champions was organised by RAMH, Active Communities and Renfrewshire Sports Charity.
It took place at Pro-Life Fitness Centre in Paisley with 70 brave fundraisers taking part.

They each walked 12 to 15 feet across hot coals – with temperatures exceeding a ery 800 degrees Celsius.
Gayle Brannigan-McLachlan, chief executive of Renfrewshire Sports Charity, said: “It was brilliant. It’s a really positive mental challenge to start the new year.

Everyone takes part in the training workshop beforehand which focuses on overcoming your fears. It’s very uplifting.”
e fundraising totals are still being counted with a nal gure expected at the end of the month.

Susan McDonald, manager of Active Communities, explained: “ the feedback we’ve got has been really positive. Although it’s a fundraiser for us, it’s more about people challenging themselves and getting out of their comfort zone to see what they can achieve.”

Stephen McLellan, chief executive of RAMH, added: “It went really well. Weactuallyhadoneguywhosaidthey did it again because he did it last year and got such a buzz it set him up for the rest of the year.

“It’s a real challenge for people to overcome. We’ve all got the capacity within us to achieve this so this event helps people discover that about themselves.”

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